Would you like to make a donation to rookie slash?

Donations are a direct support to our association. They enable us to continue our actions, offer opportunities to young refugees, finance our activities and make sport accessible to all.

Every contribution has a concrete impact!

Help us by making a donation to rookie slash

Your support enables us to offer young refugees a space where they can grow, integrate and flourish through sport.

Donate by bank transfer

Make a donation by bank transfer using the following details:

Download QR invoice
Beneficiary: Association Rookie Slash
Bank: PostFinance
IBAN : CH58 0900 0000 1588 6638 1
BIC/SWIFT : <bic/swift>
Référence : Don Rookie Slash
Amount : free

Donate by twint

Make a donation by twint using the following information:

Beneficiary: Association Rookie Slash
Numéro de téléphone : +41 78 753 69 99

woman in black jacket standing on beach during sunset