We have been lucky to be nominated to the Prix Jeunesse Genevois 2022 !

This reward aims to support local projects from Geneva initiated by young people, or for the young people. We are nominated in the latter category. There are 2 awards at stake in our category: the Jury's Prize, and the People's Choice. It is for the second one that we need your help!

Rookie Slash's winter program took place within the Association Lémanique de Ski et Snowboard Freestyle combining skate classes, trampoline sessions, and trips to the mountains! These activities allowed us to promote the inclusion of Geneva's marginalized youth within the freestyle community. Now that winter is over, we have decided to pursue our aim to live in a more inclusive Geneva. The Prix Jeunesse would allow us to continue what we started thanks to its financial support, and the visibility it would bring. Your help is precious!

We need your help, every vote counts!